We will have to take our students forward with 21st-century skills and the education sector shouldn’t turn into a business said, Prime Minister Narender Modi. Because only education can uplift the status of individuals, society as well as the entire nation.
Despite the above vision of PM Narender Modi some Educational Institutions are building only with the motive of heaps of money and playing with the future of students by using all the method that leads them to fulfill their money target.
Educational Institutions and universities have decorated the cities with advertisements making false claims about their placements percentages. An instance of misleading advertisement by an educational institution is on the rise, some are making a claim of recognition or accreditation or affiliation in their advertisements without having any substantiation for the same. Others make claims related to 100% placements guarantees which are not based on past or present data.
One institution in Greater Noida through its hoardings claimed a package of Rs. 2.5cr to their student. When the Education Jagat Team approached the other students of the same college and was shocked that “almost 50 students reported that the average package was 4 to 14 lakhs p.a that too only in Computer Science (CS) and Information Technology (IT) stream, rest average package was only confined to 4 to 7 lakhs p.annum.
No students have been placed with a package of 1.5 or 2.5 crores as claimed through large hoardings on Roads. As per students’ statements that the placement percentage was only below 60% on average. That is only limited to some students who are eligible for appearing in placement drives criteria as decided by the institution itself. Students with some back paper or other fees issues cannot attend placements driven by institutions.
All such false claims are just made to attract new admissions. The chairman of the institutes didn’t answer our call when our team tries to contact him.
Another institution in Greater Noida claimed 100% placement and is doing so for the last 6-7 years some time back, the institution didn’t put advt. on roads rather they use flex on building contain a name, trade on an excel sheet. When Education Jagat Reported this above scam the institute removed the flex from its building within a day. When asked about such claims institutes said that they didn’t have the data of the pass-out students who got 100% placements.
The students of the same institutes reported that we have been seeing this approach for 2-3 years of making 100% placements claim by college, but the reality is bitter only 60-70% will be hardly able to get placements.
Legal Point- All the above examples constitute what is termed as an “UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICE” as per Section 2(47) of the Consumer Protection Act 2019(the Act) An unfair trade practice means a trade practice that promotes the sale, use or supply of any goods or for the provision of any service adopts any unfair method or unfair deceptive practice, including using electronic record which represents that the services have sponsorship approval performance, characteristics accessories use or benefits which such services do not have.
As NCDRC(National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission) observed in a leading case Untrue claims can be held to be an unfair trade practice by the Advertiser. Such advertisements not only create disappointment in the students’ minds but also result in a breach of trust and ultimately loss of goodwill.
Still, There are some 3- 4 Educational institutions in Noida-Ghaziabad that are soaring high because of their quality of education as students get admission only based on their qualifications.