This is a great sigh of relief from the parts of some School or College Managers who have announced No Fee for LockDown Period from the parents. The decision is great praiseworthy at the time when many parents have been under mental stress due to financial crises they have been suffering and more to come due to Corona Pandemic as there is the possibility of losing their jobs too.
It is time for school or college managers to be much and more sympathized and cooperated with the parents when most of them have no means of income.
Manager, Ravikant Parashar of Shiksha Sanskar Inter College, Jadaupur, Baldeo, Mathura, UP by announcing No fee for Lockdown period from the parents for the month of April, May, and June 2020 due to Lockdown caused by Corona Pandemic has brought some rays of hope for them.
Bhartiya Kisan Union Chief Secretary, Noida, Begraj Gurjar has warned the school managers to hold a movement if parents are asked to deposit School Fee for three months including Transportation Fee.
Govt. of Uttar Pradesh on 21st April 2020 issued an order to the managers of schools not to demand any transportation fee. Order regarding full fee relaxation for three months can come.
Asam Govt. has already issued an order to the school and college managers for the half fee relaxation to the students from pre-primary to secondary level.
Central Human Resource Development Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has also said in a statement that schools should not force the parents to deposit fee of lockdown period, instead they are supposed to be cooperative.
Neeraj Singhal, Chairman of All Uttarakhand Parents Association has warned the school’s managers to take the matter to court if they force parents to deposit the fee of lockdown period.
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