Fix last date of UG admissions after the declaration of CBSE Class XII results: UGC to universities
| Education Jagat - 22 Jul 2022

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked higher education institutions (HEIs) to fix the last date for admission to undergraduate programs after CBSE Class 12 result 2022 declaration. The fixing of the last date by HEIs, as per UGC Chairman, will provide the Class 12 qualified students with sufficient time for admission to the undergraduate course.
UGC Chairman M Jagadesh Kumar on Twitter said: “UGC requests all the higher educational institutions to fix the last date of their undergraduate admission process after declaration of result of Class 12 by CBSE to provide sufficient time to such students for admission in undergraduate courses.”
The UGC in a notice said, “It has come to the notice that some universities have started registration in undergraduate courses for the session (2022-23). In this scenario, the students from CBSE will be deprived of admission in the undergraduate courses if the last date is fixed by the universities before the CBSE result declaration.”
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