Delhi University Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh said that “maximum flexibility” has been given to applicants to exercise options for admission in the courses of their choice through the Common University Entrance Test (CUET-UG) for undergraduate programs.
In a statement, Mr. Singh said more than 1.4 million students have applied for admission in 90 universities with different subject combinations and a specific date sheet has been created for each applicant considering a large number of subjects for all classes.
The Common University Entrance Test, or CUET UG, will be conducted from July 15 to August 10, the National Testing Agency (NTA) announced last week. The NTA released the admit cards for CUET UG on Monday. The CUET (UG) – 2022 has been scheduled for around 14,90,000 candidates, according to the National Testing Agency. These candidates have applied for 54,555 unique combinations of subjects across 90 universities.
“Considering a large number of subjects for all classes, a specific date sheet has been created for each applicant. To avoid any confusion, the date of examination and advance intimation slip for the examination has already been issued to all the candidates and the provision for the same has been made on candidates’ dashboard too,” Mr. Singh said.
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