Making engineering students more employable
| Dr. Anjum Nazir Qureshi - 16 Nov 2023

Engineering is considered to be a prestigious degree by most Indian parents and students. A survey by NASSCOM says that India produces nearly 1.5 million engineers. It is astonishing to know that only 3% of these engineers successfully get high-quality tech jobs. An Ed-tech startup known as Scaler has released data that 80% of the engineers are pursuing non-technical careers due to a scarcity of employment opportunities. This scenario raises a big question on the education curriculum and the measures taken by the colleges to develop the skill set of budding engineers. The curriculum should be designed to help the students acquire industry-oriented skill sets so that they pursue careers in their stream of graduation. The issue can be addressed by identifying the reason for the gaps and then developing solutions to overcome them.

There has been a massive expansion in the number of engineering colleges and enrollment of students in the last decade. The enrollment ratio is higher as compared to other undergraduate courses. It is moreover considered to be a prestigious degree and therefore parents prefer sending their youngsters to study engineering. The sudden increase in engineering colleges might have more people fulfill their dream of becoming an engineer. At the same time getting admission to an engineering college has become easier. A high score is no more a limitation. The mushrooming of private institutions has created more opportunities for becoming engineers. They get admission to the course but lack the interest and capability to convert themselves into successful engineers. 

Faculty or staff of the college plays a crucial role in shaping the career of the students. It has been observed that intellectual minds refrain from entering the teaching field due to a lack of opportunities for financial growth. Most of the private institutions do not pay good salaries. Engineering graduates, therefore, prefer to work in other sectors. One of the challenges faced by private colleges is to appoint a good faculty. In the absence of competent teachers, we cannot expect the students to prepare themselves to be compatible with the fast-changing world. The syllabus, laboratory, and infrastructure have not been updated for many years in several universities. It is not sufficient for an engineer to complete a four-year degree course. The engineering graduate is expected to possess hard skills and soft skills as per the industry requirements. Some of the measures that can be taken at the institute level to make engineers employable are:

  1. Quality Faculty: Teachers are an integral part of the education system. The staff should be encouraged to use creative methods to make the class interesting. Along with this, the teachers should be encouraged to training that helps to update their knowledge of the current changes in their respective branches. The teachers should be allowed to go for 2-3 weeks of industrial training. Practical experience is equally essential for teachers. When the teachers gain practical knowledge they can disseminate it efficiently among their students. 
  2. Generating Self-Interest among Students: Most students enter an Engineering college either under the pressure of parents or due to the influence of friends. In due course of time, they realize that they have landed in the wrong place. The academic pattern should be planned to generate self-interest among the students. Most of the institutions conduct activities that have been practiced for decades. There is a need to explore novelty in the activities. Playful learning, project-based learning; blended learning, and research-based learning should be encouraged. Engineering colleges give more importance to technical events. But young students are sometimes not interested in it. The institutions should therefore try to have activities that will fulfill technical aspects and will be interesting too. For example, if it is World Environment Day let them make a wall magazine that will describe the latest technologies that can save the earth. One more issue that needs attention is that institutions instruct students to make projects based on the research interests of their faculty. The students should be allowed to identify local problems and develop solutions for them. When the students are allowed to choose their projects they will be more interested and will work diligently. Otherwise, they complete the projects to satisfy their teachers without having the zeal to learn something new.
  3. Industrial Collaboration: Industrial exposure is the best method to make the students aware of the requirements of the industry. Industrial training, visits, and internships should be made compulsory. Some of the students are unable to go for internships due to the fees charged by the industries. The colleges should have MoUs with the nearby industries to facilitate the internships, training, and visits. The students can be encouraged to do their projects with the industries too. Besides this, industry persons should be invited for guest lectures to discuss the requirements and expectations of the industry so that students update their skills accordingly. The industry persons should be included in the advisory committee of the college. The syllabus drafting committee should compulsorily include an expert from the industry. 
  4. Making them Good humans: Colleges should put more effort into converting their students into good human beings. Along with the technical stuff mindfulness, voluntary services, sports, meditation, and the 10 core life skills (empathy, self-awareness, critical thinking, creative thinking, interpersonal relationships, communication skills, decision-making, problem-solving, managing emotions, and stress) should be given equal importance. This will ensure good physical and mental health. 

 Everyone prepares the students to be successful. But we should prepare them to face and overcome failures. The education curriculum needs rejuvenation. Some small initiatives can cause a paradigm shift and turn our budding engineers capable of handling responsible positions in renowned industries in India and other parts of the world. 

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