In the educational space, the involvement of parents in the learning process is one of the important challenges. “Parental involvement” means the participation of parents in regular, multifaceted communication, in the student’s learning process and in various school events.
this time:
ØParents play an important role in their child’s learning process;
ØParents participate in events planned by the school;
ØParents are involved in the learning process of their children as full partners and participate in making decisions about their child’s education.
Parental involvement in school life is of particular importance for student success. Regardless of the socio-economic status of the family, the parent’s participation in the child’s education has a great impact on the student’s development.
The school brings together parents and teachers to work together to improve student academic achievement. Two-way, regular communication between the school and the family is one of the main factors contributing to the child’s development. Effective communication requires that the teacher and parent share information with each other. A successful parent-school partnership is well integrated with the school’s overall mission.
For parents, “parental involvement” means:
w attend as many school events as possible;
w encouraging and praising the work done by the child from the parent’s side;
w setting real requirements for the school;
wRegular meetings with teachers and discussion of their child’s progress;
Benefits for the parent
Parental involvement is important both for improving student outcomes and for developing parenting skills. The social, emotional side and personality of the parent changes.
As a result of participation in the child’s education process, the parent: becomes more understanding towards one’s own child pays more attention to the child’s social, emotional and intellectual development needs; becomes more caring, less strict towards the child and more appreciative of the child’s achievements;becomes more self-confident and happily engages in the process of child education and upbringing;is more confident when making decisions;
pays more attention to raising his own knowledge level and skills;more successfully uses various opportunities to meet the needs of his family and child;
He has better information about the child’s condition and takes timely measures to solve his problems.
Benefits for the teacher
Active cooperation with parents helps the teacher to become more confident.
They are more satisfied with their work and its results.
Teachers have more respect for their profession;
Parental involvement increases the quality of communication between parents and teachers, which helps the teacher to systematically obtain comprehensive information about the child. Adjusting the learning process to the individual needs of the student will give the teacher the desired result.
Benefits for the school
Parental involvement has a positive impact on the school in general:
The school has more support from parents; the image of the school in society increases;
School programs in which parents are involved are more successful than programs in which parents are not involved;
In schools where student achievement is very low, this rate clearly improves after increasing parental involvement.
Studies on the example of Georgian schools have shown that parental involvement in primary grades is more active than in higher grades.
Regular communication plays an important role in parenting.
In the process of involvement, parents should be regularly informed about the current situation in the school.
The parent should be systematically informed not only about the student’s negative behavior or low academic performance, but also about his achievements. The parent will provide this information to the teacher in writing, by phone or text message. It is desirable to start the letter positively, every person and even more so every child has a positive side that the teacher notices better than others.
Invite parents several times a year to discuss the child’s achievements. Send a letter often and explain the goals of our subject, the main tasks, the child’s problems and achievements.
Encouraging parents to participate in the learning process. Creating such an atmosphere for the parent that he is expected not as an object of criticism, but as a partner, to take into account his opinion, to trust.
Facilitating the involvement of fathers in school events
Helping parents become better parents. With the help of teachers, it is possible to hold consultations for parents on current issues of education
It is important to use the skills and experience of parents to involve volunteer parents in sports, intellectual, charitable creative events.
In order to involve parents, we implemented the following activities:
“Recipes and tips of the housewife”
We held various events with the participation of parents, especially with the participation of fathers
We awarded in different ways and used survey forms:
In order to increase the involvement of parents in the school process, I created a group where students’ works are actively displayed and classroom processes are reflected