Difficulties in giving a presentation and ways to overcome them
| Bela Sulashvili - 16 Jan 2025

Nowadays, it is quite relevant how to present this or that topic effectively and what methods to use to make the desired impression. Presentations are a fundamental part of business life. People are constantly having to present their short-term or long-term research results, completed projects, etc. to an audience. It is good when a person has the ability to conduct a presentation. This allows you to demonstrate your abilities, planned or completed work. Any of us will have to give a speech in front of a certain audience at least once. It becomes easier to interest and convey what we have to the audience with a specific purpose through proper teaching and preparation in advance. The school and the teacher provide this preparation. If the teacher knows exactly the rules and principles of conducting a presentation, the better he will be able to teach his students by his own example.
There is almost no subject where a student does not have to give a presentation on at least one issue. Therefore, I believe that this issue is quite relevant and we should accustom and teach students from the first grade to give presentations, to present their own work, even with our help. Later, as they grow older, they will gradually improve their skills and in higher grades, working on similar issues will no longer be unfamiliar to them.
Today, project-based learning occupies a special place in the education system, according to which students learn more enthusiastically and actively. They are direct participants in ongoing processes. Learning by doing helps to remember the topic better. During the project, the student has to take on the role of presenter several times. How he presents his product is important. He may create the “best product,” but if he lacks presentation skills, he will have a hard time showing others his “great work.”
Presentation skills, participation in debates, cooperation, teamwork, and communication are not taught as separate subjects, but the modern task of education is to develop in children skills that are useful in all situations. Today, the development of psychosocial skills is topical. A modern person needs effective communication, presentation, and healthy discussion skills for development, self-establishment, and realization in society. Based on the above, I believe that we should start developing presentation skills in elementary school, of course, taking into account their age and in an appropriate dose.
The modern world of the 21st century has entered a stage of active progress. Such active development requires the presentation of information in a form such as a presentation. Presentation is a Latin word meaning “to present.” It is a public presentation of something to an audience. Its purpose is to introduce one’s work to a certain group of people.
Giving a presentation correctly and beautifully is quite a difficult task. Everyone gets nervous when giving a speech, no matter who it is intended for, peers, classmates, or complete strangers. At this time, it is difficult to concentrate, sometimes we forget what to say, and strange thoughts come to mind: “I wish I hadn’t come...”, “I wish my speech had been postponed...”, “What if...”, and so on. We must not forget: such a mood is always easy for the audience to notice, so let’s talk to ourselves at least a day in advance and “make believe” that this is a “test” for us that we must pass.
One way to improve your presentation skills is to listen to and analyze famous presentations. It is advisable to listen to speeches by famous people or video recordings of open lessons, and analyze video recordings of our presentations. This will help us develop our ability to reflect and gain experience.
No one is born a good presenter; the art of public speaking is an acquired competence. Through a presentation, a teacher conveys information, a vision, or an idea to students. An effective presentation promotes learning, student engagement, and a clear understanding of the issue. Various studies prove that public speaking and presentation skills are acquired and require constant practice and refinement.
The first few minutes are the most important in a presentation. People generally remember information best at this time, so valuable information should be provided in the initial moments.
People are also good at picking up on a speaker’s emotions and impressions. Listeners tend to react similarly -- if the speaker smiles, the listeners will smile too.
In general, visuals are very important. Studies show that people remember material presented in such a way better, so more visuals are needed.
It is essential that the speaker speaks in simple sentences, often addressing the audience with “you,” “we,” and similar addresses.
Finally, the presenter should definitely thank the audience and tell them that it was a pleasure to interact with them in this way.
To deliver an effective presentation, consider the following:
● We should thoroughly research the issue in advance and be prepared to answer additional questions about it.
● Rehearse before the presentation.
● Be demanding and more critical of yourself.
● It would be good if we made the presentation interactive.
● Be in a good mood during the presentation, it is contagious.
● During a presentation, it is important to make eye contact with the audience, control your voice, and tone.
● It is important to draw a conclusion that will leave a final impression on the audience.
● In any case, let’s think about the next successful presentation and do the best we can.
If presentations in various subjects become an integral part of the learning process, adolescents will be much better prepared to face new challenges in life. At the same time, the learning process will be much more interesting and diverse.
A teacher must not only be a good presenter themselves, but also develop this skill in their students. It is not necessary to be a “great artist” to give a good presentation; it is easy to become a good orator after some practice.

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