This article refers to the presentation of the international project that I have created and directed entitled Students in Climate Change SCC. This project was designed specifically for the educational community at an international level. It will try with the help of teachers and university professors in all the places where the program will be developed to create a wide range of ideas and record the problems in each place with climate change and its effect on the educational environment with the main and important researcher being the student himself.
This project specializes in identifying the problems arising from climate change, it is important to mention that the design of the program was made to specialize in the impact of climate change on students and in the educational environment. So the participating teachers and students who are in many countries of the earth more than 14 countries will send us their views and the problems in their area and how these problems change the educational community.
We are trying with all the professors and teachers and our students to create a book with the ideas, the reports, the observations of the students, and their drawings about climate change. Through the overall study that is done in various steps named in the project as changes, we will all try together in all parts of the earth to find a common course of protection of the educational process with the main factor being the student whose education is significantly affected in the modern era.
Also, the purpose of the program is to create a friendship between professors and teachers from many parts of the world who will be able through their education and love of teaching to find ideas for better education in the era of great changes.
Teachers and students discuss during the respective educational hours the relevant lessons at their school about climate change as it is recorded today by the international scientific community and environmental organizations.
From the discussion with the students emerge the problems that appear and affect the students themselves but also the education and the operation of the school in general through different appeared problems.
The program is due to be completed around the end of April or middle of May this year and includes the 7 periods of study and presentation of data by children and teachers.
These seven periods are called Changes in the program.
For example the first step refers to the change in atmospheric air from climate change.
To date, around 40 teachers and university professors from a total of 14 countries are participating in the project. All together as a family developing a friendship with each other will generate ideas together with their students and create an important basis for the expansion of the program in other fields. Many different educational tactics and methods from these countries will be integrated into the project to generate important conclusions and action tactics for the environment and education. All this is to help the student and the educational process in general.
The project was recognized by three international organizations on the environment and climate change and by educational organizations in countries where the teachers participate. It is very important to mention that the project has the full support and cooperation in matters of presenting and updating the very serious International newspaper Education Jagat and I want from the position of the project director to warmly thank the editor and director of the publication who support the SCC project. It's a great honor
As part of the development of the project, which is done in two languages, Greek and English, one can follow the events and the presentations of teachers and students on an official website that has been created and is freely accessible to the public.